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5. Eco Farm

The RREVDR Eco Farm Green Business provides a diverse range of farming operations including Multi-Functional farm sites, Community Biodynamic Gardens, Orchards, Agroforestry, Companion Planting, Greenhouses and provides food to the Organic Cafeteria. It also operates a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), program and works in creative partnerships with other farms and with schools, medical and wellness facilities, restaurants, hotels, homes for social therapy and other organizations. The Eco Farm also works with the Agriculture and Perma-culture Research Center in research projects and internship programs with strategic agribusiness partners.
The RREVDR Eco Farm operates integrative organic sustainable agricultural operations that has a direct impact that improves the ecological, social and economic sustainability of all 23 Green Anchor Businesses. Our approach to sustainable farming, applies to ranching, gardening, water harvesting; hydro power, biological sewage, recycling and renewable energy production and living. Our integrative engineering designs in constructed eco- systems integrate plants, animals, landscapes, structures and humans into symbiotic systems. Our technology is constantly improving by mimicking nature even in the harvest cycles of CSA programs, farm store and farmers market program designed into a local organic food hub distribution.

The RREVDR Organic agriculture system sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. Ecological processes, bio-diversity and cycles are adapted to local conditions by combining indigenous traditions and organic sciences in crop rotation, natural compost, biological pest control, green manure, and companion planting. Our integrated farming system strives for sustainability, the enhancement of soil fertility and biological diversity by applying scientific knowledge and permaculture principles to various tradi-tional and natural methods.
The integration of our water harvesting and water distribution system applies to the advanced berms, swales, keyline ripping patterns, waterways and trail systems, ranch pastures, garden and farm zones. Swales dug on the contour of a hillside slow down the flow of water during rainstorms, preventing it from eroding the landscape, and giving it time to penetrate the soil. Nutrients, in the form of leaves and seeds, are also caught in the swale, contributing mulch and organic matter to the soil. Fruit trees and other crops established in the swale or on its berm thrive on the captured water and nutrients.

The overall health of the crop and the ecosystem is enhanced. Each component of a system performs several functions, creating relationships with many other elements. The black locust tree has many useful functions in a pasture, where its thorns and gnarly branches protect it from the depredations of livestock. It establish-es itself quickly in windbreaks and shelter belts, shielding cattle from cold winds and hot sun, and thus lowering their feed requirements.
We can thin a stand of black locust for fence posts, or better yet, plant it as part of a living fence. Planting trees helps to lower the water table where there is ground water salinity, thus protecting surface vegetation from excess salt. Black locust fixes nitrogen in the soil, nourishing nearby plants. It provides habitat for birds and bees, and can buffer the toxicity of black walnut trees from other species.

Diversity in a system is indicated not by the number of its components, but by the number of symbiotic relationships among them. Multiple associations increasing the stability and resilience of the whole system. The edge between two ecosystems is an especially diverse area. Wetlands, for example, foster relationships between land species, water species, and specialized wetland species. In imitating Nature, we are incorporating elements with multiple relationships. By increasing the diversity of a system, we can increase its stability.
Organic Sustainable Agriculture Design Principles
a. Interactive Systems in Farms/Gardens/Orchards/Green Houses
b. Design Eco Systems that Imitate Nature
c. Agroforestry & Biodynamic Agricultural Techniques & Methods
d. Enhance Environmental Quality and the Natural Resource Base
e. Make the Most Efficient Use of Non-Renewable Resources
f. All Energy Supplies are Renewable Sources
g. Develop Valuable & Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystem
h. Sustain the Economic viability of al Agriculture Operations
i. Collaborate Agricultural Technologies with Strategic Partners
j. Participate in Agroecology Research & IP Development
k. Develop New Components of Conservation Agriculture Practices
l. Integrate CSA & Farmers Market into Local Food Distribution

Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses Summary
The Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses is formed as an integral part of the RREVDR business plan and eco-village destination resort management services. Their expertise, dedication, experience, resources and management in their respective eco-resort green business service adds value to the RREVDR intellectual property and greatly expands RREVDR branding in ecotourism and geotourism internationally.
The Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses is a major part of the RREVDR marketing campaigns where ecotourism agencies worldwide will book various types of RREVDR destination retreat packages. Each of the 23 Green Businesses are networked into ecological, social and economic sustainability while working together in marketing and cross-promotions campaigns interna-tionally. All 23 Green Anchor Business are integrated into equity partnerships with exclusive international RREVDR branding rights tied to proprietary services and products, intellectual property, options for participating in research and development contracts, sales and licensing agreements, merchandising and revenue sharing that includes destination resort tours, entrance fees, various eco-resort and green recreational ecotourism programs and packages.
Each Green Business will purchase land parcels for their anchor business and will fund and build their own separate business infrastructure developments, construction, employee base and have their own separate business identity and proprietary equip-ment. They will be able to use the applicable RREVDR green electricity, water, sewage, waste management and all the destination resort services listed in the RREVDR Green Anchor Business Agreement.
Each of the 23 Green Businesses listed below will be part of the RREVDR international brand messaging, cross-promotions, brand packaging and will share in the resort revenue profits. All 23 Green Businesses will participate and make available their respective business service in RREVDR green eco-resort tours for public, schools, strategic partners, tour groups, media, celebrities and research programs worldwide.
The RVEVDR development has outlined a charter to operate as a quasi-municipality corporate entity and HOA integrating 450 green homes with 23 Green Anchor Businesses. Please contact us regarding your green business interest, expertise and participation capabilities. We're looking for like-minded visionaries and green businesses to join our RREVDR elite green design team.