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6. Agriculture & Permaculture Research Center

The RREVDR Agriculture & Permaculture Research Center serves different functions that enables all the Coalition of 22 Green Anchor Businesses, green technologies, designs and engineering systems to prosper in diverse and productive systems. Integrating permacul- ture design research with agriculture systems research creates a greater synthesis of knowledge worldwide to have greater success in sustainable farming, ranching, gardening and living sustainably.
Problems and difficulties are turned into opportunities for greater abundance, benefits, and improved integration in multi-purpose functionality. From R and D programs, experiments, beta testing, co- llaborations and joint projects with agribusiness strategic partners, the RREVDR Agriculture & Permaculture Research Center is greatly positioned with more resources to provide a greater service to improve the health and vitality of crops and people with greatly improved ecosystems designing that imitates nature.

The RREVDR Agriculture & Permaculture Research Center works with all 22 Green Business Anchors, Home Owners Association, Green Building committees to ensure that all observation and anal- ysis in site plans, designs and engineering meet the permaculture guidelines criteria without degrading the natural environment. All businesses, departments and committees work together to maintain, preserve and improve the economical, ecological and social sustain-ability. The Research Center also serves as a consultant with all federal, state and county agencies to ensure regulatory compliance in all design and engineering systems. From water harvesting, water treatment and water delivery systems, green home building, hydroelectric and solar power, agriculture and recycle systems to sustainable ranching and biological waste systems, is very important and a top priority to maintain effective integrative engineering that integrate plants, animals, landscapes, structures and humans into symbiotic systems where the products of one element serve the needs of another.

The RREVDR Agriculture & Permaculture Research Center also manages the permaculture design workshops, courses, seminars and works with its strategic partners in the programs development. It works closely with the Eco Farm, Aquaponics, Eco Ranch in various design, technology and implementations. Programs, courses, clinics, workshops and lectures are designed to offer many different capa- bilities allowing close interaction with many of the 22 green anchor businesses. The entire RREVDR is a permaculture wonder allowing ecotourists, visitors, guests, interns, researchers, permaculture de- signers and agribusiness strategic partners worldwide to see first hand the integrative engineering designs utilized in a fully sustain- able off-the-grid, green ecovillage destination resort.

The RREVDR Agriculture & Permaculture Research Center conducts various organic sustainable agriculture research experiments in all farm programs-- multi-functional farm sites, companion planting, green house technology, agroforesty, orchards, biodynamic gardens, aquaponics. It reviews, studies and monitors all integrative engi- neering design in agriculture, water harvesting, treatment & delivery and building systems. With emphasis on ecosystems impact, it develops joint research programs with agribusiness strategic part- ners in R & D.
It also expands its resources of advisory board, strategic partners, peer reviews and educational programs development. The integra- tive research team includes microbiologist, botanist, soils chemist, research director, permaculture designers and works with the department heads-- the RREVDR green house manager, farm mana- ger, aquaponics manager, ranch manager and green home building manager. The RREVDR Agriculture & Permaculture Research Center creates many contributions in new sustainable living working models of new technology operating in the Eco Farm, Eco Ranch, Aquaponics, Green Homes & Landscape Architecture. The Research Center also operates internship and apprenticeship programs.

Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses Summary
The Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses is formed as an integral part of the RREVDR business plan and eco-village destination resort management services. Their expertise, dedication, experience, resources and management in their respective eco-resort green business service adds value to the RREVDR intellectual property and greatly expands RREVDR branding in ecotourism and geotourism internationally.
The Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses is a major part of the RREVDR marketing campaigns where ecotourism agencies worldwide will book various types of RREVDR destination retreat packages. Each of the 23 Green Businesses are networked into ecological, social and economic sustainability while working together in marketing and cross-promotions campaigns interna-tionally. All 23 Green Anchor Business are integrated into equity partnerships with exclusive international RREVDR branding rights tied to proprietary services and products, intellectual property, options for participating in research and develop-ment contracts, sales and licensing agreements, merchandising and revenue sharing that includes destination resort tours, entrance fees, various eco-resort and green recreational ecotourism programs and packages.
Each Green Business will purchase land parcels for their anchor business and will fund and build their own separate business infrastructure developments, construction, employee base and have their own separate business identity and proprietary equip-ment. They will be able to use the applicable RREVDR green electricity, water, sewage, waste management and all the destination resort services listed in the RREVDR Green Anchor Business Agreement.
Each of the 23 Green Businesses listed below will be part of the RREVDR international brand messaging, cross-promotions, brand packaging and will share in the resort revenue profits. All 23 Green Businesses will participate and make available their respective business service in RREVDR green eco-resort tours for public, schools, strategic partners, tour groups, media, celebrities and research programs worldwide.
The RVEVDR development has outlined a charter to operate as a quasi-municipality corporate entity and HOA integrating 450 green homes with 23 Green Anchor Businesses. Please contact us regarding your green business interest, expertise and participation capabilities. We're looking for like-minded visionaries and green businesses to join our RREVDR elite green design team.