Seeking Farms and Land Owners, Permaculture Designers and Green Contractors With
Agricultural Zoned Farmland to Participate in RREVDR Hemp Research Project
IRREVDR is developing a proposal with an investment group that is independently funding a Hempcrete Research Project and integrating a Hemp Farming Coalition into green building projects through a joint research project. The RREVDR is ideally positioned to integrate its research center with the hemp research project. and expanding green building programs with its strategic partners including ICC (international Code Council), Jackson County Planning Department, Hemp Building Contractors, Hempcrete Reserachers & Consultants and Green Architects.
RREVDR is uniting farms and Land Owners, Permaculture Designers and Green Contractors with agricultural zoned farmland to participate in the proposed hemp research project. Contact: green_building@sbcglobal.net The land owners will be paid to participate in the Hemp Research Pilot Project and can have a lucrative residual crop contract agreement.
All Hemp Farms participating in the RREVDR Hemp research project can have options to join the Coalition of Oregon Hemp Farmers.. The hemp farms in the coalition would have beneficial RREVDR Hemp grower contracts for hemp seed, proprietary hemp farming protocols, hempcrete harvesting, hemp processing and also be eligible for hemp farm program funding.

Industrial hemp is legal to grow in more than 30 countries. USA has no momentum of hempcrete-based industry at this current time. The United States is one of the few industrialized nations that does not currently allow the cultivation of industrial hemp. There is no large-scale commercial hemp production in the United States, and the U.S. market is largely dependent on imports, both as finished hemp-containing products and as ingredients for use in further processing. Millions of dollars worth of hemp is imported into the United States each year in order to fulfill the growing demand for hemp products. The annual retail sales for hemp products was estimated at $620 million in 2014. Much of it is being sourced from Canada, China, France and other countries. Hempcrete is projected to be a trillion dollar industry in USA alone and can transform the green building and sustainable community building industry.
With the passing of the 2014 federal farm bill section 7606, farmers in USA states with industrial hemp legislation are allowed to grow and harvest hemp in conjunction with their state departments of agriculture for research through pilot programs. In January 2015, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act was introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Senate Judiciary committees in the House and Senate H.R. 525 and S. 134. If the bill is passed, all current restrictions on the cultivation of industrial hemp would be removed, along with its classification as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. The bill is stalled in Congress and is hurdled with lots of roadblocks. The hemp seeds in industrial hempcrete farming are a specific variant and have extremely low THC levels below .03 are should be declassified as a controlled substance.
Rep. Bonamici (D-OR) – recently created an amendment numbered 9 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds to prevent a State from implementing its own State laws that authorize the use, distribution, possession, or cultivation of industrial hemp. The amendment was adopted on a vote of 282 – 146 I’m interested in any referrals to any groups, lobbyists, individuals, associations, committees that have had any successful conversations, dialogues concerning industrial hempcrete to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Rep Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore and Rep. Bonamici (D-OR). There is strength in uniting initiatives.

The RREVDR Hempcrete Research Project will enable some quick positive results. The Hempcrete Research Project is positioned with ICC (Inter-national Code Council) building code compliance which is another part of the research project. Hempcrete ICC building code compliance will compliment the lobbying efforts of Congress' Industrial Hemp Farming Act and enable positive progression and transitions with Oregon Dept of Agriculture industrial Hemp Law with its Rules Advisory Committee. Having the International Code Council integrated into the research committee will establish the research protocols in the research studies including acceptance criteria, reference standards guidelines, testing methodologies, scope of recognition, requirements in building codes, and the publishing of hempcrete code compliance resulting in the ICC Evaluation Service Report.
RREVDR is leading the paradigm shift to go outside the boun-daries of conventional building. Combining Hempcrete and CLT (Cross Laminating Timber) and modular construction is the best green building sustainable system in timber-based framing. RREVDR is working in strategic partnerships with CLT lumber mills that operate in certified sustainably managed forests buying young timber in green sustainable lumber programs.. Cross-laminated timber is a wonderful way of using up all those billions of board-feet of pine-beetle kill lumber that's rotting away. Cut it, glue it and press it, and you have giant panels that can used for strong, earthquake resistant and fire resistant construction.. When forested and recycled respon-sibly, CLT operates as a renewable resource and an attrac-tive,material with sustainability and aesthetic aspects with a net carbon reduction to the environment.
Combining CLT in Modular construction can offer various modular construction for floors, walls, roofs systems that creates a reduced construction schedule and reducing overall project costs. This integrastive green building system allows smaller, less expensive foundations, and are suited for poor soil conditions..

With Integrated Research Center & Processing Plant
The Rogue River Eco Village Destination Resort (RREVDR) budgetary planning includes the development of a 10 acre Rogue River Industrial Hemprete Farm (RRIHF) with a separate Rogue River Hempcrete Processing Plant integrated with the Rogue River Research Center. This planning infrastructure will launch as an integrated hempcrete research project with outside strategic research partners and inside research staff.
There are 9 Phases in the Research Center & Processing Plant development plan.
Phase 1-- Outside Strategic Partners & Strategic Alliances
Finalize strategic resource list and generate letters of intent (LOI’s) with all the identified strategic research and operation partners with its functions and duties attached to the defined hempcrete research, hempcrete farming operations and hempcrete processing plant goals. Strategic partners include a Oregon university agriculture department; additional international universities that have already completed hempcrete research studies that have been used as references to their respective municipal planning building departments; Industrial Hempcrete Farm and consultants in hempcrete farming and hempcrete processing specialties; hemp building contractors; Hemp seed banks; green architects with hempcrete experience. Additional vendors, suppliers and service firms are approved and budgeted including attorney agriculture specialist, hempcrete processing plant suppliers and vendors.
Additional LOI’s include the approved list of farms interested to join the Coalition of Regional Hempcrete Farmers and participate in the Hempcrete Research Project. and industrial hemp crop contracts that have options to be in the Coalition of Hempcrete Farmers. Establish a hemp resource list of targeted suppliers, vendors, manufacturers, consultants and contractors.
Inside Research & Operations Staff
Finalize list of staffing positions and establish letters of intent with all indentified research & operations staff that includes a Hemp Horticulturist expert, Botanist, Processing Plant Operations Manager, Hempcrete Farm Manager and Farm assistant. Additional vendors, suppliers and service firms are finalized including
Phase 2-- Develop Site Design Plans for the Research Center and Processing Plan
Integrated design plans features the processing plant & research center in close proximity with expansion capability of the research center as the research center grows and expands its research programs. Research center design can feature a green house for various plant propagation, Hempcrete farm costs, equipment, hemp seeds, irrigation and processing plant equipment costs including industrial decorticating, straw processing, scale block production including mixers, bloc press, the dryer, warehouse. Additional material costs, employee, contractor and consultant costs.
Phase 3-- Develop Budgetary Costs for Hempcrete Farm & Hempcete Processing Plant Operations
Hempcrete farm costs, equipment, hemp seeds, irrigation and processing plant equipment costs including industrial decorticating, straw processing, scale block production including mixers, bloc press, the dryer, warehouse. Additional material costs, employee, contractor and consultant costs.
Phase 4-- Develop Budgetary Costs for Hempcrete Research Project Integrated with RREVDR Research Center
Create a research criteria outline with specific goals in the research studies, acceptance criteria, reference stan-dards guidelines, testing methodologies, scope of recognition. Integrate ICC (International Code Council) require-ments in hempcrete building code compliance to achieve the publishing of hempcrete code compliance resulting in the Evaluation Service Report.
Phase 5-- Execution & Purchases
Hire personnel and advisors, consultants; purchase/lease land; secure water rights, obtain Oregon Dept of Agriculture Hemp Grower & Hemp Handler, Hemp Seed Permits; prepare farm fields and irrigation systems and planting; building plans for first stage build-out of hemp processing plant and research center that are integrated with Jackson County Planning Dept participation as a strategic partner in the hempcrete building program.
Phase 6-- Research Center & Processing Plant Building Construction
Construction process begins. Research Center serves beginning functions with offices, field offices and meeting board room. Attached Green houses, laboratory, materials and equipment are purchased in staged phases. Processing plant with the attached Warehouse is also built and fitted in staged phases.
Phase 7-- Hempcrete Farm & Research Center Integrative Operations
Integrate the hempcrete research project with strategic partners into the RREVDR Research Center whereby the “living laboratory” eco-village destination resort setting enables the showcasing, marketing and tours of hempcrete prototype models of hempcrete built homes, hempcrete commercial buildings, hempcrete barns, hempcrete chicken houses, hempcrete animal pens; hempcrete equestrian buildings.
Phase 8-- Hempcrete Research Center, Management, Administration
Integrating staff in research and farming operations include different roles with Hemp Horticulturist, Botanist, Processing Plant Operations Manager, Hempcrete Farm Manager. Different projects include developing develop seed strains that are female only; working with new or existing hemp seed strains that will enable shorter harvest times to get 3 growing seasons a year in southern Oregon and creating a Seed Bank specializing in different optimized Hempcrete seed strains. Proprietary hemp seed strains would be created and optimized for all 6 identified Hemp Markets--
Hemp plant seed strain that has faster harvest for Hermpcrete resulting in 3 crops per year
Hemp plant seed strain in Structured Wetlands tied into Biological Living Sewage System
Hemp plant seed strain for Biofuel applications as a clean green fuel to power generators charging battery banks
Hemp plant seed strain for linen-based product using the hemp blast fiber
Hemp plant seed strain optimized for Nutrition in Hemp oil, Hemp protein powder, organic shelled hempseed
Hemp plant seed strain optimized for CBD Oil
CBD is considered to have a wide scope of potential medical applications, due to clinical reports showing the lack of side effects, and non-interference with several psychomotor learning and psychological functions. Preliminary research shows CBD oil can act as a treatment for Anticonvulsant, Dravet syndrome, Epilepsy, Antipsychotic, Antidepressant, Antianxiety and Neuroprotection that refers to the relative preservation of neuronal structure that is a widely explored treatment option for many central nervous system (CNS) disorders including neuro-degenerative diseases, stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and acute management of neurotoxin consumption (i.e. methamphetamine overdoses).
Phase 9-- Industrial Hempcrete Commercial Operation
Industrial farm staff and hemp research department are ramped up into tier one hemp production. Sales and Marketing departments are in operation creating promotions and sales packages, branding the proprietary products of the Coalition of Oregon Hemp Farmers. Development planning enables ramping up Hemp Farm Production to coincide with Hemp Plant Processing and Warehousing operations..