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10. Aquaponics Fish Hatchery

The RREVDR Aquaponcis Fish Hatchery is a state-of-the-art commer- cial sustainable food production system combining traditional aqua- culture (raising aquatic animals) fish, crayfish or prawns with hydro- ponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. In the aquaculture environment, effluents accumulate in the water, increasing toxicity for the fish. This water is led to a hydroponic sys- tem where the by-products from the aquaculture are filtered out by the plants as vital nutrients.
Plants are grown in hydroponics systems with their roots immersed in the nutrient-rich effluent water. This enables them to filter out the ammonia that is toxic to the aquatic animals, or its metabolites. After the water has passed through the hydroponic subsystem, it's cleaned and oxygenated and recirculated back to aquaculture tanks. Aquatic effluents are nutrients essential for plant growth. Aquaponics sys- tems are grouped into several components or subsystems responsible for the effective removal of solid wastes, for adding bases to neut- ralize acids, and for maintaining water oxygenation.

The Aquaponic system does not discharge or exchange water under normal operation, but instead recirculates and reuses water very effectively. The system relies on the relationship between the fish and the plants to maintain a stable aquatic environment that experience a minimum of fluctuation in ambient nutrient and oxygen levels. Water is added only to replace water loss from absorption and transpiration by plants, evaporation into the air from surface water, overflow from the system from rainfall, and removal of biomass such as settled solid wastes from the system.
The aquaponics integrated engineering system uses a state-of-the art technology where water is recycled with fish waste running green methane generators and water recycled directed to fruit orchards. There are dedicated water canal circuits delivering the recycled clean water back into the agriculture water delivery system. The plants in the auaponiocs system depends on the maturity and stocking density of the fish. These factors influence the concentration of nutrients from the fish effluent, and how much of those nutrients are made available to the plant roots via bacteria.

Green leaf vegetables with low to medium nutrient requirements are well adapted to aquaponic systems, including chinese cabbage, lettuce, basil, spinach, chives, herbs, and watercress. Other plants, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers, have higher nutrient requirements and will only do well in mature aquaponic systems that have high stocking densities of fish. Plants that are common in salads have some of the greatest success in aquaponics, including cucumbers, shallots, tomatoes, lettuce, chiles, capsicum, red salad onions and snow peas. The aqua- ponics fish hatchery works with the agriculture lab to develop sustain- able and renewable technologies in proprietary intellectual property development working with strategic agribusiness partners. The aqua- ponics fish hatchery provides organic fish & food used in the RREVDR organic cafeteria. It also operates local food distribution in local markets. farmers market and CSA participation. The RREVDR Aquaponcis Fish Hatchery also operates in joint research programs and provides intern- ship and apprenticeship programs.

Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses Summary

The Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses is formed as an integral part of the RREVDR business plan and eco-village destination resort management services. Their expertise, dedication, experience, resources and management in their respective eco-resort green business service adds value to the RREVDR intellectual property and greatly expands RREVDR branding in ecotourism and geotourism internationally.
The Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses is a major part of the RREVDR marketing campaigns where ecotourism agencies worldwide will book various types of RREVDR destination retreat packages. Each of the 23 Green Businesses are networked into ecological, social and economic sustainability while working together in marketing and cross-promotions campaigns internationally. All 23 Green Anchor Business are integrated into equity partnerships with exclusive international RREVDR branding rights tied to proprietary services and products, intellectual property, options for participating in research and development contracts, sales and licensing agreements, merchandising and revenue sharing that includes destination resort tours, entrance fees, various eco-resort and green recreational ecotourism programs and packages.
Each Green Business will purchase land parcels for their anchor business and will fund and build their own separate business infrastructure developments, construction, employee base and have their own separate business identity and proprietary equipment. They will be able to use the applicable RREVDR green electricity, water, sewage, waste management and all the destination resort services listed in the RREVDR Green Anchor Business Agreement.
Each of the 23 Green Businesses listed below will be part of the RREVDR international brand messaging, cross-promotions, brand packaging and will share in the resort revenue profits. All 23 Green Businesses will participate and make available their respective business service in RREVDR green eco-resort tours for public, schools, strategic partners, tour groups, media, celebrities and research programs worldwide.
The RVEVDR development has outlined a charter to operate as a quasi-municipality corporate entity and HOA integrating 450 green homes with 23 Green Anchor Businesses. Please contact us regarding your green business interest, expertise and participation capabilities. We're looking for like-minded visionaries and green businesses to join our RREVDR elite green design team.