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17. Learning Center

The Learning Center uses a multimedia interactive information library using the latest digital media technologies of Kiosks, Digital Boards and Event Schedules. There are various media format deliveries using Video Productions, Exhibits, Art, Illustrations, Historical Photos, Displays and Tour Guides. The Learning Center uses an interactive approach to enter-tain, inform, educate, disseminate information. The Learning Center acts as a main hub for visitor information to integrate and cross-promote all the 22 Green Businesses services, activities and events.
There is a large digital board that lists all the activities, events, guided resort tours and pro-grams of the 22 Green Businesses. Visitors have many options to explore the diverse selection of live events, activities, programs, demonstra-tions, concerts, festivals, resort tours, lectures, presentations stage shows. Visi- tors can review dates & times and sign up for scheduled events and activities including workshops, seminars. All RREVDR departments and green businesses are networked into ecological, social and economic sustainability while working together to market, and promote RREVDR internationally.

The Learning Center provides an information resource system that allows visitors to quickly find the different types of services, programs, events, activities, concerts, performances, presentations, resort tours, festival events or Kidsville activity they're interested to participate in. Since the Learning Center administrates some programs and activities of the 22 Green Anchor Businesses, it is a great visitor center location for visitor in-formation and event schedules.
Visitors can watch kiosk videos, ask a tour guide questions or learn about the next ceremonial performance at the Indigenous Indian Village. Visitors can also sign up for additional recreational ecotourism programs and activities including Guided Nature Walk tours on scenic trails, Guided Horse tours, Llama Treks to Table Rock, Horse Carriage Tours, Hayrides, Tractor Pulls, Horse & Buggy Carriages; Horse Guided Overnight Camp Outs, River Tours, Rogue River sports activities including Guided Group Kayaking & Whitewater Rafting, Salmon and Steel Head Fishing, Swimming, and Panning for Gold the green way.

Visitors can spend an afternoon walking through the vast eco-village facilities and talk to our experts, instructors and staff members and ask questions to learn about some of the intricacies, operations and support systems that work together to make the RREVDR community function as a self sustained community.
Visitors can go on a Rogue River walking tour with a guide or consider an overnight horse guided camp out to Table Rock Sacred Site. There are also strolling story tellers walking around the Learning Center and Farmers Market and Petting Zoo telling fun and entertaining stories about RREVDR and Rogue River wildlife and habitat.

The Learning Center also administrates and manages the Permaculture Courses, Workshops, Training Seminars, Lectures, Demonstrations and Resort Tours. The Learning Center integrates a vast collection of resources from many different fields of science and permaculture and offers a di-verse range of programs and activities in sustainable living including Organic Gardens, Agroforestry, Green Home Building, Renewable Energy, Green Houses, Sustainable Ranching, Water Harvesting, Recycling, Aquaponics and Disaster Preparation.
The Learning Center attracts a wide ecotourism demographic range of inter-national people with its diverse programs and activities targeting families, students, children, green enthusiasts, seniors, researchers, guests, visitors, permaculture designers. There are various fun children's activities in Kidsville that are designed to provide a rewarding and entertaining green sustainable experience in nature

Learning Center also administrates some of the Indigenous Indian Village events and performances. Visitors can sign up for these events and differ-ent internship and apprenticeship programs offered in the Coalition of 22 Green Anchor Businesses. The Learning Center also works in a strategic alliance with Nature Conservancy and fulfills Nature Conservancy land stewardship duties monitoring water shed, wild life, fire hazard, range land conservancy, ecosystems. There are some Nature Conservancy Ease-ments on some of the RREVDR parcels that will make a great location for the Learning Center and a managed land stewardship trail system.

Visitors can learn the history of the Rogue River and how indigenous people lived along the Rogue River and its tributaries for over 8,500 years. European explorers made first contact with Native Americans toward the end of the 18th century and began beaver trapping and other activities in the region. Learn how the Rogue River earned its name after the local southwestern Oregon Indians.
Visitors can learn about the Takelma Indians and their sacred sites and lineage of Table Rock. Learn about the first American pioneer fur trappers to visit this area like Peter Skene Ogden in 1827 and how mountain men like James Clyman in 1845 were respected and befriended the natives and married into their culture and established gardens, orchards, horses, cows and livestock.

Visitors can learn the history of the Rogue Valley and how it dramatically changed when a party of 15 men led by Jesse Applegate developed a new southern alternative to the Oregon Trail known as the Great Migration of 1843. Emigrants used this new trail called the Applegate Trai that headed for the Willamette Valley where it passed through the Rogue and Bear Creek valleys and crossed the Cascade Range.
Into the early 1850's more and more settlers came during the gold rush stampede. The invasive settlers and US Army created conflicts including the famous Battle of Table Rock that lasted 10 days forcing the Takelma away from the Table Rocks and into reservations. Because Takelma territory included the most agri-culturally attractive part of the Rogue Valley along the Rogue River, their valuable land was seized and settled by Euro-american invaders.

Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses Summary
The Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses is formed as an integral part of the RREVDR business plan and eco-village destination resort management services. Their expertise, dedication, experience, resources and management in their respective eco-resort green business service adds value to the RREVDR intellectual property and greatly expands RREVDR branding in ecotourism and geotourism internationally.
The Coalition of 23 Green Anchor Businesses is a major part of the RREVDR marketing campaigns where ecotourism agencies worldwide will book various types of RREVDR destination retreat packages. Each of the 23 Green Businesses are networked into ecological, social and economic sustainability while working together in marketing and cross-promotions campaigns internationally. All 23 Green Anchor Business are integrated into equity partnerships with exclusive international RREVDR branding rights tied to proprietary services and products, intellectual property, options for participating in research and development contracts, sales and licensing agreements, merchandising and revenue sharing that includes destination resort tours, entrance fees, various eco-resort and green recreational ecotourism programs and packages.
Each Green Business will purchase land parcels for their anchor business and will fund and build their own separate business infrastructure developments, construction, employee base and have their own separate business identity and proprietary equipment. They will be able to use the applicable RREVDR green electricity, water, sewage, waste management and all the destination resort services listed in the RREVDR Green Anchor Business Agreement.
Each of the 23 Green Businesses listed below will be part of the RREVDR international brand messaging, cross-promotions, brand packaging and will share in the resort revenue profits. All 23 Green Businesses will participate and make available their respective business service in RREVDR green eco-resort tours for public, schools, strategic partners, tour groups, media, celebrities and research programs worldwide.
The RVEVDR development has outlined a charter to operate as a quasi-municipality corporate entity and HOA integrating 450 green homes with 23 Green Anchor Businesses. Please contact us regarding your green business interest, expertise and participation capabilities. We're looking for like-minded visionaries and green businesses to join our RREVDR elite green design team.